Intricate India! 

As they say traditional marketing talk at people but emotional marketing talks with them. Similarly, marketeers should understand the emotional and cultural aspects of a diverse country like India. They need to grasp the fact that while dealing on a pan India basis they aren’t just talking to only one set of Indian audience but actually talking to varied groups of people with varied tastes and preferences having wide-ranging reactions to their brands.

India is a country harbouring many countries. A country boasting a spectacular history going back to five thousand years which is undoubtedly the inception of its prevailing self. India is adorned with rich cultural heritage, geographical diversity, colourful fairs and festivals, forts and monumental attractions, lofty hills and serene beaches, slashing rivers and tidal seas. Another interesting aspect of India is its people. People of different caste and creed, people with different taste-buds, with different choices of garbing themselves or for that matter choosing different forms of entertainment making India all the more ‘beautifully intricate’.

Brands need to closely examine the unity in diversity aspect of India while articulating their presence in the Indian market . They need to appreciate whole heartedly the diverse culture and forms within this country. They need to understand that within India lies many Indias, that what is appropriate and appealing to a women sitting in Kashmir might not be fascinating for a Tamilian woman, that the architectural taste varies throughout the country and that people have their own ways of entertainment for example every state has its own dance form, not only this there are n no.of folk dances, dialects, customs and rituals, believes and strong notions that are no where documented but can only be understood closely and emotionally.

So the bottom line is, brands need to explore and meticulously customize their communication strategies keeping in mind the emotional aspects and preferred choices of people in every corner of the country while dealing with Intricate India.

Author: Chitra Bhargav, Business Development & Social Media Strategist  

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